How to use Twitter analytics effectively

The recent Twitter Masterclass (YouTube) raised a question about using Twitter analytics.

Twitter analytics image

Twitter analytics provides lots of information about your tweets

Here’s what we suggest.


If you’ve already defined your objectives, and understand what you want, need and expect from your Twitter activity, then you’ll know what sort of things to measure, and what the results are.

Twitter analytics

Twitter analytics provides you with lots of useful information about your tweets, and how they have been received.

From the amount of amount of engagement, number of times your tweets have been favourited and much more, you can quickly tell what is and isn’t proving effective at helping you achieve your objectives.

Measuring efficiency

Knowing how your tweets are received can help you define or adapt your Twitter strategy.

Perhaps Twitter analytics will show you that:

  • Tweets with images have more engagement
  • Tweets at certain times of day are favourited more often
  • Tweeting more often increases followers
  • Using hashtags generates more retweets

Comparing to other channels

By measuring and understanding you Twitter activity, you can easily compare it to other marketing channels.

You might discover that Twitter is far more effective than newspaper advertising, or that you have more engagement with tweets compared to blog posts, or that each tweet with a certain hashtag generates a strong lead.


Ensuring that measure your twitter Twitter activity to make sure it meets your objectives and generates a positive ROI is important.

Knowing how efficient your output is, and what it achieves for your business will help you to understand more about your business, your products or services, and your customers.


Whether you want to reduce your advertising spend, reach more potential customers, or simply share your news with interested people, Twitter can help you generate an impressive return on your investment of time, resources and money.

Mike James

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